Politics and Government
We seek to influence government, industry and other stakeholders around the world with the aim of addressing challenges that the sector faces as well as promoting the construction industry. Our policy positions detail the array of issues we campaign to raise awareness on and we use these to help guide our consultation responses and engagement with Government.
Our Consultations
The CIOB is regularly invited to advise government departments, committees, political groups and other stakeholders on a multitude of issues related to the construction sector and wider built environment. Take a look at the Consultations our Policy Team has worked on below. Contact policy@ciob.org.uk for further details or to get involved.
Our Latest Consultations
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Discover the work our Policy team is doing to address the challenges facing the industry today.
Our Campaigns
As a chartered professional body we act in the public interest – not the industry’s – meaning that we provide a trusted, impartial voice and do not shy away from difficult issues that face the industry. As construction keeps innovating, we will continue to lead work on improving the industry’s future and providing solutions to the challenges that lie ahead through our campaign work.
Our Latest Campaigns
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