Future of construction Campaign

International Women's Day 2022

Last updated: 8th March 2022

Celebrating Women in the Built Environment: International Women's Day Webinar, 8 March 2022

To continue that conversation, our Tomorrow's Leaders Community will be holding a webinar on International Women's Day, 8 March 2022.

CIOB Vice-President, Sandi Rhys Jones OBE, will be joined by an exciting lineup of construction professionals to explore how we can promote construction as a career choice for all, regardless of gender. Find more details are register your place below!


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Global Construction Summit: Diversity and Inclusion - the way forward for construction

Last month, at the Global Construction Summit, an informative webinar on diversity and inclusion and the way forward for construction took place. You can view the recording below.

A new direction for women in construction

Our magazine, Construction Management (CM), has been focussing on the recent positive changes for women in the industry. CM published an article with CIOB Vice President, Sandi Rhys Jones OBE, and six other female professionals, who share their experiences of how working in the construction industry has changed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Special Report and Charter: Diversity and Inclusion

However, despite the positive changes in the industry, we are fully aware that more needs to be done.

Earlier in 2022, we launched our our Special Report and Charter on Diversity and Inclusion. As well as focusing on other underepresented groups, this report highlights how the lack of women in construction is an issue that must be tackled.

So far we've had over twenty companies sign up to our Charter, showing their support and making changes within their organisation. 

If you share our ambition to make this industry fairer and more open to others, then please sign up to our Charter.

In the fourth quarter of 2019, just before the pandemic struck, women made up just 12.3% of the country’s construction workforce.

Office for National Statistics, “EMP13: Employment by industry” report, 18 May 2021

Women in BIM 2022

A series of interviews, counting down to International Women’s Day,  have been created by another magazine of ours, BIM+. These articles focus on women who chose a digital pathway for their careers in construction. 

First up is Giulia Pustorino, BIM manager at Weston Williamson + Partners, where she is responsible for developing the long-term vision of BIM across its London studio.

The second interview is with Gergana Staykova MCIOB. She is a digital engineer at Laing O’Rourke, having started there as a graduate in 2014. She is undertaking an apprenticeship in data analysis.

Last up is Dr Melanie Robinson, senior project manager at BIM Academy, specialising in BIM and information management according to ISO 19650. Robinson manages projects across multiple sectors internationally and develops bespoke digital strategies for project and asset management.

Go Construct

Focusing on diversity in the industry and supporting young people who want to start their journey in our industry, we recommend taking a look at the plethora of resources available on the Go Construct website.


Go Construct have put together some helpful resources for younger women looking to get into the industry, including articles, videos, interviews and quizzes.


Visit Go Construct - Women in Construction